by Sakshi Chavan

In a constantly changing environment, the one thing you can count on, is the skillset you possess. Over the past 5 years, constant shifts in the global economies have spurred digital transformation in education, workplace, and home life. The pace of modern life has accelerated, and in order to keep up, the student today is constantly looking for new skills to add to their arsenal and remain relevant.
Soft Skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. These skills are essential to the next job interview or application. It is something that would help in differentiating from competing applicants and show how valuable one can be to the team.
in order to climb the career ladder, here are some soft skills to develop:
1. Problem Solving
Problem-solving will help in effective crisis management. There are times when a situation may get out of hand due to numerous reasons and being an effective problem solver helps one remain solution oriented. Students should know how to effectively adapt and solve problems with an appropriate solution for the situation.
2. Creative Thinking
Thinking creatively is of great importance as it leads to the using the power of imagination and expanding lateral thinking. Students need to be creative in their approach in every aspect and it helps them understand the world in a better way and come up with answers that might give the rest of the world a new perspective. Ideation and creation are, thus, very elemental parts of education.
3. Teamwork
Teamwork is the most essential skill required at every stage of one's career. Working together will always help in producing more. Students must understand the importance of unity. No work is free from conflict, and a key enabler of success is one’s resilience to confront the problem rather than each other.
4. Decision-making
When faced in a perplexing spot, to become effective leaders, one has to learn how to weigh pros, cons and possible outcomes to consider. Forming your unique perspective is important to express your viewpoint and amalgamate the experience and knowledge of peers to choose the option with the most favourable outcome. One of the earliest decisions made is the stream Indian students in the Indian system need to choose, forming the foundation of their career journey.
5. Intra-personal skills
Skills that help you understand yourself, your emotional intelligence, your thoughts, your beliefs and opinions on topics are key features of intra-personal skills. Only when you try to understand yourself, will you be able to understand others. Knowing your own strengths and weakness will help choose complementary skills (be it with business partners or groupmates) to achieve desired results.
6. Leadership Skills
Class elections, student union elections and club presidency are early forms of testing whether you like to lead or to work with leaders. Being one isn’t easy and such experiences help train for the future. A quick-thinker can make the right decisions, coordinate other people and pull off an event as well. Stand out by investing in leadership position to stand out from the pack.
7. Positive Attitude
The ability to exude positivity in an intense atmosphere, such as in an educational setting, makes one a joy to be around and is a soft skill which just makes one pleasant to work with. Enthusiasm, confidence, cooperation, patience, respect, and a sense of humor, being a vivacious personality helps put everyone at ease and will make your career a happier one as well :)
8. Communication skills
Be it a student or a working professional, this skill is required for every individual. This is a basic skill required for everyone to communicate. Sensitivity and calm response to aggressive behavior helps develop emotional maturity to manage and work with multiple personality types. We must work with other humans and most errors in the working world happen due to a lack of simple communication.
Brainstorming: Having strong communication skills allows you to contribute to group discussions and produce thoughtful ideas to help the company as a whole.
Seeking advice or help: Communicating effectively allows you to ask for help regarding a problem you’re facing. The better and clearer the communication, the easier it is for others to understand what you’re saying and provide you with the assistance you require.
Active listening: When you’re an active listener, it’s easier to fully understand what someone says. For example, when you’re in a business meeting, actively listening to the speaker ensures you know the points that were discussed and what’s expected of you.
9. Flexibility
When you’re flexible, you’re better able to cope with sudden changes in the workday. When you cope well with change, it can even inspire others to do the same.
Patience: This refers to your ability to accept or tolerate certain situations that arise. When you work alongside other people, having patience can help you reduce conflict and better achieve long-term goals. It also helps you establish greater professional relationships in the workplace.
Adaptability: When problems arise, you need to be able to move your schedule to fit the company’s current needs. Being adaptable not only helps you remain calm during stressful situations, but it also shows your boss that you’re willing to set aside your pre-planned schedule to accommodate emerging problems.
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